7 Weird Student Meals to Freak Out Your Friends

We’ve all heard tales about the student meals experienced while at university - the good, the bad and the ugly. Here are some weird student meals that sound questionable but might actually be your next go-to in your Leicester student life.
1. Ketchup Pasta
Ingredients: Tomato ketchup, pasta
A classic meal for those looking to make the most out of their bottle of tom sauce. Boil some pasta, drown it in ketchup, and call it dinner. It’s basic, but it gives your pasta the moisture it needs to be a meal. You can even jazz up this dish by adding in some tinned tuna or chopped-up hotdogs. Delish!
2. Cereal and Water
Ingredients: Cereal, water
The usual student dilemma - you don’t have any milk, but you need breakfast. Pour water over your cereal, pretend it’s oat milk, and power through. It’s... an acquired taste. The first few bites might feel like a personal attack on your tastebuds, but eventually, you either get used to it or give up altogether. Some students even argue that using cold water makes it slightly better – but really, it's all about survival.

3. Noodle Sandwich
Ingredients: Instant noodles, bread, butter
Cook up some instant noodles, butter a couple of slices of bread, and sandwich those noods in between. It’s carb overload, but weirdly comforting. The contrast between the soft noodles and the crispy, buttery bread is oddly satisfying. If you want to level it up, add some cheese or a fried egg into the mix. It’s a guaranteed energy boost!
4. Garlic Bread Dogs
Ingredients: Garlic bread baguette, sausages
Take a garlic bread baguette, slice it down the middle, stuff it with sausages, and boom – you’ve created the ultimate fusion of a hot dog and garlic bread. Pure genius. The buttery, garlicky goodness combined with a juicy sausage is an unbeatable combo. Add some ketchup, mustard, or even mayo to make it even better.

5. Baked Bean Curry
Ingredients: Baked beans, rice
Heat up a tin of baked beans, throw in some curry powder if you’re feeling fancy, and serve it over rice. It’s cheap, filling, and surprisingly tasty. You can also toss in onions, garlic, or any leftover veggies to make it more substantial. This meal is perfect when you’re craving something warm and hearty without putting in too much effort.
6. Spaghetti Burgers
Ingredients: Burger buns, spaghetti
Got leftover spaghetti? Stuff it into a burger bun and call it a meal. It’s messy, but who cares? The rich tomato sauce from the spaghetti soaks into the bun, creating a sloppy, delicious mess. Throw in some cheese for a gooey upgrade or even some meatballs if you’re feeling ambitious. It’s weird, but it works.
7. Mayonnaise on toast
Ingredients: Mayonnaise, bread
This meal is perfect if you’ve run out of butter. Toast some bread, slather it with mayo, and you’ve got a snack that’s weirdly addictive. If you want to elevate it, sprinkle some garlic powder or add a slice of cheese before toasting. It might sound wrong, but it tastes so right. It’s the kind of snack that grows on you when deadlines are looming and you can’t be bothered to cook.

We hope these weird student meals have left you feeling…inspired? Luckily for you, if you join our Leicester student accommodation you’ll have access to nutritionists and cooking classes - so you’ll never have to experience these meals…unless of course, you want to. Reserve a room or arrange a viewing at our Leicester site today: true student Leicester